If you're taking on healthy fitness and eating habits with the dream of achieving a six-pack, some real talk for you: Very few people can achieve this look, regardless of what they do. Most women who make this their goal will fail and ultimately give up on exercise. But there's science behind this buzzkill. The rectus abdominis — the muscle that makes the stomach look defined— is typically covered by fat and isn't affected by things like crunches and planks. Here we have a workout just for you!

If you're taking on healthy fitness and eating habits with the dream of achieving a six-pack, some real talk for you: Very few people can achieve this look, regardless of what they do. Most women who make this their goal will fail and ultimately give up on exercise. But there's science behind this buzzkill. The rectus abdominis — the muscle that makes the stomach look defined— is typically covered by fat and isn't affected by things like crunches and planks. Here we have a workout just for you!